Ever wanted to see ball flight at GolfTEC?

August 24, 2011

How about have a closest to the pin contest? We’ve been testing new technology and in some Centers across the country, you’ll be seeing some big changes that will let you play 9 holes at Pebble, see your ball flight with your driver and much, much more.


Check out the photos below!

Smart Training

August 2, 2011

Doug Rikkers
GolfTEC Director of Club Fitting and Merchandise

When used correctly, training aids can be a great way to develop a specific skill or movement in your golf swing. Practicing with the right training aid reduces the learning curve and gets you on your way to a better swing. Below are three of our favorites for fixing some of the most common swing faults we see.

Power Leg Coil – A lower body sway, where the weight shifts outside the trailing leg, is a common problem for many golfers. This fault often leads a reverse pivot and makes it difficult to shift your weight properly in the downswing. To get a feel for the proper pivoting action in the backswing we often use the Power Leg Coil. This training aid makes it nearly impossible to sway, by replacing the incorrect leg action with the desired pivoting motion of the trailing leg. Not only is the Power Leg Coil an effective tool for reducing your sway, but it also fits easily in your golf bag and can be used on the driving range or at home as part of your between-lesson practice schedule.

Swingyde – The Swingyde can be used to establish the correct amount of wrist hinge, eliminate poor clubface position at the top, create lag in the downswing and produce proper forearm rotation in the follow through. That’s a lot for a simple little device that attaches to any golf club! The Swingyde can be used indoors, or as you practice on the range or in our practice bays. The feedback provided by the Swingyde is immediate and simple to interpret; make the correct move and the Swingyde connects to the forearm of your lead arm. Make the wrong move and you’ll know right away from the resulting lack of connection.

Power Angle – If you struggle with keeping your arms extended and away for your torso at the top of your swing, the Power Angle may provide the cure you’re looking for. This unusual looking device starts with a molded grip and encourages an early wrist hinge and extended lead arm at the top. Once you’ve mastered the top position, the Power Angle helps get your trailing elbow down and in front of your right hip at impact, leading to a more powerful release of the club and more distance.

So if you’re looking for a new way to tackle that nagging swing fault that refuses to go away, ask your Coach about these and the many other training aids found in your local GolfTEC Improvement Center.